Medicare EPC Program Patient Price Reduction

MHT Updates and Communications June 2020

Medicare EPC Program Patient Price Reduction

At Melbourne Hand Therapy we really value our GP’s referring patients to us with enhanced primary care plans (EPC). To help out our patients, we have reduced our prices for EPC referrals.

Original Price: $112
New Price: $90 initial and subsequent
Medicare Rebate: $53.80
Total new OOP: $36.20

We hope that this price reduction will help to make our services more available to patients without private health insurance cover.

Upcoming Conference

Upcoming Conference

We welcome you to attend MHT’s first conference with Steve Moneghetti, Australia’s most recognised long distance runner and Grazina Fechner, Director of Front and Centre Training Solutions. More details to follow, however you can register your interest in attending by contacting.

Renovation of our Ringwood Rooms

Renovation of our Ringwood Rooms

We are making the most of this time and taking the opportunity to renovate our rooms at 176 Mt. Dandenong Road Ringwood. New carpet and repainting has given a nice fresh look. Also, plenty of parking directly out the front makes these rooms popular for our patients.

Insights on Keloid and Hypertrophic Scars

Jennifer Mathias

Insights on Keloid and Hypertrophic Scars

For particular patients and in certain anatomical sites, proliferation of dermal fibroblasts lead to hypertrophic or keloid scarring.

No single treatment plan has been advocated for hypertrophic or keloid scars. Our treatment plans for auricular keloids often include triple therapy modalities. Digital photographs attached to the patient’s history to record before / during and after treatment. Surgical excision, intralesional corticosteroid injections followed by compression (earring) with or without silicone gel treatment.

Often the standard off the shelf earring is not suitable, and modifications are made to the earring to increase the surface area of pressure over the lesion. Patients are not required to attend frequently, but are generally monitored over a 12 month period.

Hand Surgeons Conference

Colleen Moloney

Hand Surgeons Conference

At the recent APFSSH/8APFSHT meeting there were many fantastic presentations on the wrist and in particular Scapholunate
ligament injury management (both conservative and operative management and rehabilitation).

This has inspired us to complete further research on current management of these injuries to ensure that our patients and our
treatments are based on current evidence leading to the best possible care and patient outcomes.

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