
Our referrals come from Surgeons, GPs, Physiotherapists, and other health practitioners; however private patients do not specifically require a referral to be seen by us. MHT welcomes your referrals or enquiries in order to assist you with your hand or upper limb injury. Please call us directly on (03) 9899 8490.

To help us provide the best possible service we ask new patients to bring all relevant x-rays, test and investigation results and your referral to your first appointment.

Fees And Rebates

MHT operates as a Private Practice and charges are incurred for services provided. Consultation and splint charges can be discussed during your initial consultation. Private patients may receive a rebate from their private health fund if cover includes ancillary services for PHYSIOTHERAPY or OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY. Depending on your insurance policy, there may also be a rebate applicable to some splints/orthoses and other equipment required. In some circumstances a partial rebate from Medicare may be available if your GP approves you for the Enhanced Primary Care Program.

Worksafe, TAC and DVA accounts in most circumstances can be billed directly to the insurer.

MHT is pleased to treat patients with self-managed or third party NDIS funding.

Doctors Referral Form

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