Hand therapy appointment

Should I attend my hand therapy appointment?

Hand and Upper Limb Rehabilitation is an essential service, so we remain open.

During this strange world we find ourselves in, there are many concerns and questions about what is safe and appropriate. One of our frequently asked questions is “should I attend my hand therapy or shoulder rehabilitation appointment?”

The advice from our medical experts is YES, continue to attend any health-related appointments. The main stipulation is that you are well and show none of the following symptoms:

  • Temperature above 37.3C
  • Dry cough
  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose
  • Shortness of breath

If you have any of the above symptoms or have been in contact with someone with Covid-19, you need to be tested and isolate at home. In this instance please contact our rooms as we can change your appointment to a telehealth session.

When attending one of our clinics, there are some key points to know which help keep you safe:

  • All staff have completed additional training in infection prevention and control for COVID-19 (Australian Government Department of Health)
  • Your temperature will be taken on arrival
  • You will be asked a series of screening questions at the time of making your initial appointment
  • You will be asked to wash your hands on arrival
  • Staff will treat and communicate with you behind a perplex screen

Once in the waiting room, you will see the chairs are spread apart and everyone (including yourself – unless there are medical reasons as to why you can’t) will be wearing a mask. When it is time for your appointment, you can be assured that the room was thoroughly sanitized prior to your session. You may even notice that your therapist sanitizes her hands and equipment at certain intervals during the appointment. These practices follow strict infection control protocols.

Even though some of this information seems overwhelming or even confronting, please know that the staff at Melbourne Hand Therapy are all experts in their field and are working hard to ensure everyone’s safety. We are here for you and are happy to chat to you if you require more information.  We look forward to seeing you soon.

Emmeline Fooks

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